Capital production ftw. Some idea’s for the future

Because I have some alt’s for producing stuff amongst other things, while my main destroy ships in faction warfare and because I train for some capital skills at my main, I started the idea to produce capital ships.

This is a huge venture and will consume billions of ISK for buying several BPO’s before I can even start. But fortunately a mate have some of the BPO’s I need and he is willing to share them with me.

So the steps I finished planning so far are:

– Determine, which Capitals are used (and which were most destroyed)
– Determine, which construction parts are better to build by myself and which are cheaper to buy
– Determine, how much ISK do I need to buy all the BPO’s I want
– Determine the rough ROI on the Venture

The steps, which still need to be planned:

– Determine, where to build (Station, because POS in Low/Null is no option atm)
– Determine all the hauling stuff (Should I buy a JF by myself or use Alliance services?)
– Determine, how/where to buy ressources/parts and how/where to sell the capitals

I don’t want come into a rush about this and will check all my calculations over and over again, but if it’s worth and if I have a solid plan, with all questions answered, this will be my next task for my alts, while I shoot more caldari scum to free the gallente space. :)

So stay tuned. Maybe I will create a twitch channel about capital construction, if I start.

2 Gedanken zu „Capital production ftw. Some idea’s for the future“

  1. Hmm … halb New Eden zieht gerade eine Capital-Production auf … und die Preise spielen verrückt bzw. haben sich gerade für Rohstoffe total verändert … schwierig da zu kalkulieren …

    1. Im Moment verändert sich der Markt ja auf Grund der neuen Besteuerung eh. Aber so sehr, dass es ins Bodenlose abrutscht.. glaub ich jetzt nicht dran. Rechnen kann ich eh nur mit der preisentwicklung der letzten Wochen/Monate.

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